
10 principles of good design

If you type the word “Designinto the dictionary, you will notice that this word refers to the draft“. The fact that the result of a designer’s work includes ideas and solutions is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of his work.

You know, what do the people who project a piece of equipment say about what they’ve created
? They say: I have formed Design”.Yes, they have a functional design created. The designer creates something that, in addition to the visual side, also has a functional side – functional in the mechanical sense or, for example, for the communication of a Message – that is its function. This is the difference between design and graphics (that’s why graphic design came about).

I see a great parallel between the design of a product and the design of a user interface. Design must be to be timeless, so that the whole work does not become morally (formally) old, because the functional side works until the end of the work (Shaver, Car, Website, Application and more).

A synonym of this attitude is the person of
, a German designer who became famous with products for the BRAUN brand. It also meant inspiration for Steve Jobs and the essentials in the design of Apple products. A demonstration of the work from his workshop can be found at
, an excellent Microsite with the presentation of his person is also available under https://readymag.com/shuffle/dieter-rams.

I don’t like the attitude of the Klient didn’t provide any documentation because it’s not particularly necessary. Sometimes I like it better when I have my creative freedom, better than being tied up by a cruel design manual or untapped potential of the brand. In SCR, we feel more like designers, architects of solutions, not draughtsmen of images from supplied documents. We simply create ideas that we melt into something visual.

How did Dieter Rams define good design:

1. Good design is innovative

The opportunities for innovation are by no means exhaustive.

Technological developments are constantly offering new opportunities for innovative design. Innovativedesign always evolves at the same time as innovative technologies and never by itself.

2. Good design makes the product useful

A product is there to be used. It must meet certain criteria, not only functionality, but also its psychological as well as aesthetic aspects.

Good design emphasizes the usefulness of a product.

3. Good design is aesthetic

Aestheticsas a property of the product is an inseparable part because a product that we use every day influences our nature and our mental well-being.

4. Good design makes the product understandable, accessible, and traceable

It explains the Character of the product. Or rather, the product talks about good design. It’s best when the product/design doesn’t need any more explanation.

5. Good design is honest

Design doesn’t make the product more innovative, influential, or more value than it actually is. Good design doesn’t try to manipulate the customer, no promises that the product has features that the product can’t have.

6. Good design is subtle

The products serve their purpose. They are not decorative objects or works of art. IThe design should therefore be neutral and discreet, it should create space for self-expression on the part of the user.

7. Good design is timeless

It dodges current trends, that’s why it never seems outdated.

8. Good design is thought through down to the smallest detail

Nothing can be unplanned or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design and education process shows respect to the customer.

9. Good design is eco-friendly

Design is an important part of life and contributes to the preservation of the environment. It saves sources throughout the product cycle.

10. Good design is minimalist

Less, but better. To focus on important aspects and not burden the design with trivial aspects.

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